Author Archives: Admin VH

North Korea Executes 22-Year-Old for Listening to K-pop

North Korea Executes 22-Year-Old for Listening to K-pop

North Korea Executes 22-Year-Old for Listening to K-pop In a distressing display of authoritarian control, North Korea has publicly executed a 22-year-old man for listening to and sharing K-pop. This harsh punishment is part of Pyongyang’s relentless efforts to clamp down on outside information and culture, as reported by South Korea. @lildoge_official 김정은 마라탕후루 챌린지 […]

Trump’s Swift Death Penalty Proposal: Ethical Concerns

Trump's Swift Death Penalty Proposal: Ethical Concerns

Trump’s Swift Death Penalty Proposal: Ethical Concerns Trump’s Swift Death Penalty Proposal: Ethical Concerns. In recent addresses, Donald Trump has ignited a contentious debate by praising China’s criminal justice system, particularly its swift handling of drug-related crimes. His advocacy for adopting similar practices in the United States, including minimizing the appeals process for capital cases, […]