North Korea Executes 22-Year-Old for Listening to K-pop

North Korea Executes 22-Year-Old for Listening to K-pop

North Korea Executes 22-Year-Old for Listening to K-pop

In a distressing display of authoritarian control, North Korea has publicly executed a 22-year-old man for listening to and sharing K-pop. This harsh punishment is part of Pyongyang’s relentless efforts to clamp down on outside information and culture, as reported by South Korea.


김정은 마라탕후루 챌린지 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ🇰🇵

♬ 오리지널 사운드 – 화성인 릴도지 – 화성인 릴도지

Details from the 2024 Report on North Korean Human Rights

Details from the 2024 Report on North Korean Human Rights
Details from the 2024 Report on N Korean Human Rights

The case was highlighted in the 2024 Report on North Korean Human Rights, released by South Korea’s unification ministry. The report includes testimonies from 649 North Korean defectors, shedding light on the oppressive measures enforced by the North Korean regime.

According to an unnamed source, the young man from South Hwanghae province faced public execution in 2022. His crime? Listening to 70 South Korean songs, watching three films, and distributing them. This extreme punishment underscores the regime’s fear of external cultural influences.

The Ban on K-pop and Western Influence

North Korea’s ban on K-pop originated under the former leader, Kim Jong-il, as a means to protect citizens from the perceived “malign influence” of Western culture and its allies. The ban was further tightened under his son, Kim Jong-un, who enacted a law in 2020 prohibiting “reactionary ideology and culture.”

Efforts to Control Youth and Information Flow

Efforts to Control Youth and Information Flow
Efforts to Control Youth and Information Flow

The report details the extensive efforts by North Korean authorities to control the flow of outside information, with a particular focus on the youth. The regime’s crackdown extends beyond media consumption to everyday customs and fashion.

The report details the extensive efforts by North Korean authorities to control the flow of outside information, with a particular focus on the youth. The regime’s crackdown extends beyond media consumption to everyday customs and fashion. The goal is to isolate the younger generation from any foreign influence that might challenge the state’s ideology or inspire dissent. Authorities implement rigorous monitoring and severe punishments for those caught consuming or distributing foreign media. In schools, students are indoctrinated with state-approved propaganda, and any deviation from prescribed behaviors or beliefs is harshly penalized.

Crackdown on “Capitalist” Fashion and Practices

According to Radio Free Asia, a US government-funded organization, the North Korean regime targets “capitalist” fashion and hairstyles. This includes skinny jeans, T-shirts with foreign words, and dyed or long hair. Other harsh measures include punishing “reactionary” practices such as brides wearing white dresses, grooms carrying the bride, wearing sunglasses, or drinking alcohol from wine glasses—practices considered South Korean customs.

Rejection of Human Rights Criticism

North Korea Executes 22-Year-Old for Listening to K-pop
North Korea Executes 22-Year-Old for Listening to K-pop

Despite widespread condemnation, North Korea rejects criticisms of its human rights violations, dismissing them as part of a conspiracy to overthrow its leadership.

Despite widespread condemnation from international human rights organizations and foreign governments, North Korea continues to reject all criticisms regarding its human rights record. The regime dismisses these allegations as part of a broader conspiracy aimed at undermining and overthrowing its leadership. North Korean authorities assert that these criticisms are fabricated by hostile forces and are intended to destabilize the country.

They argue that their strict measures are necessary to preserve social order and protect the nation from external cultural infiltration and ideological subversion. This steadfast denial of human rights abuses highlights the regime’s unwillingness to engage with the international community on issues of human rights and its determination to maintain strict control over its population.

Conclusion North Korea Executes 22-Year-Old for Listening to K-pop

This tragic case of the young man executed for his love of K-pop highlights the severe restrictions and brutal measures imposed by the North Korean regime to maintain its grip on power and control over its citizens. The international community must continue to shed light on these human rights abuses and advocate for the freedom and dignity of the North Korean people. The execution serves as a stark reminder of the lengths to which authoritarian regimes will go to suppress dissent and control their populations.

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N Korea Executes 22-Year-Old for Listening to K-pop


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